Knowing that QNX, which is at the core of the PlayBook's Tablet OS, is also running the computers in dozens of car manufacturers these days, it made sense to connect the dots and go there - this would be a BlackBerry addict's dream come true. Take a look at the photo below, and you'll see this isn't dream, but also one of the many potential visions QNX has for the future of mobile technology in automobiles.
QNX has a big footprint in automotive, already being utilized in over 200 automobile models (they're pretty much in every German-manufactured automobile and many, many more) and they're continuing to grow in this area.
In the past, in-car automobile technology has typically lagged consumer electronics by a pretty big margin, but it's clear that car manufacturers want to change that. QNX is already starting to see this happen in their workflow. In the past, car companies would typically work four years ahead on their models (think 2010 models being developed in 2006), with the electronics locked down - once a car hits the market you don't see the computer software get upgraded.
But already automotive is starting to move much faster, as more and more it's becoming what you can do in your car that's as important a selling feature as horsepower, fuel mileage, body style historically have been. With automotive wanting to keep up with the consumer market, the manufacturer's lead time from concept to reality on the electronics/infotainment/computers is becoming much shorter (think as fast as a year vs. 3-4 years).
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